Publié:The Issuer gives notice pursuant to Condition 8 (c) of the Conditions that all ETP Securities of the classes specified in Exhibit A are to be compulsorily redeemed and that the Issuer has nominated 26 November 2024 to be the Early Redemption Date in respect of all such classes. The Early Termination Amount (or valuation) for a particular class will be determined on the Early Redemption Date.
The Securityholders of each class of ETP Securities will be entitled to the Value per ETP Securities for such class as determined on the Early Redemption Date and multiplied by the number of ETP Securities held on record day. The payment will be made via Euroclear Bank.
It is expected that the ETP Securities subject to this Early Redemption Event will stop trading on the exchange venue listed in Exhibit A after the close of trading on 22 November 2024. The Issuer submitted the exchange venue with a notice for the ETP Securities to be delisted. If you wish to sell your securities before the compulsory redemption of these securities, you should do so by the close of trading on this date. Capitalised terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the Issue Deed relating to the ETP Securities.