BAE Systems plc

BAE Systems, British Defense and Aerospace Company


Presentation of the Company


BAE Systems (LON: BA) is a British defense and aerospace company. The company is the main supplier to the UK Ministry of Defence but also has interests in North America through its subsidiary BAE Systems Inc. In the defense sector, it is in 2020 the seventh largest company in the world and the largest in Europe. Wikipedia

BAE Systems (LON: BA) provides a wide range of defense-related goods and services, including aircraft, ships, land vehicles, electronics and information security.

BAE Systems' main competitors are : Safran, Thales, and Boeing.

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History of BAE Systems


BAE Systems (LON: BA) was founded on November 30, 1999 as a result of the merger of British Aerospace (BAe) and Marconi Electronic Systems (MES). BAE Systems is thus the heir to famous British aerospace and defense companies. 

In 2001, BAE restructured its activities in Europe and decided to focus more on its development in the United States. This strategy was confirmed by an audit in 2004. The company becomes the second largest player in the world after two acquisitions in 2004 and 2005.

In September and October 2017, the new management of BAE Systems (LON: BA) carries out a restructuring; the company closes its office in Denmark and otherwise cuts 2,000 jobs mainly in Great Britain. Announcement-of-organisational-changes


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The Market


BAE Systems (LON: BA) is a defense and aerospace company. This is a sector in which demand is international, although very unevenly distributed between countries. The ability to defend oneself is a natural desire expressed since the beginning of civilizations. It is of course a sector very prone to innovations, which companies must imperatively take into account in order to remain competitive. As a result, we observe a demand that is renewed with each new innovation.

 It is also a sector very much impacted by the global and national geopolitical context. Indeed, the customers of this sector are not individuals but states, governed by various laws and budgets, which makes it a much more complex market to predict. The current context between Russia and Ukraine, which strongly benefits this market, is one proof.


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Key Figures and Financial Ratios


Market capitalization  : $31.48 billion1[2022]

Revenue                         : $25.503 billion2[2021]

Net income                    : $2.5 billion 3[2021]

Dividends paid              : Every 6 months for 28 years 4

Earnings per share       : $0.72 5[2021]

Price to earnings ratio : ≃13.88 6[2022]

Debt to capital ratio     : 0.687[2022]


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Graniteshares Offering Products

BAE Systems


  1. Bae Systems Market Cap
  2. Baesystems article
  3. Bae Systems Net Income
  4. Dividend information
  5. Baesystems Five Year Summary
  6. BAE Systems PLC
  7. Debt_equity_ratio


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